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Dane Baptiste

Dane Baptiste


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Stand up -lavoilta ja TV:stä tutun brittikoomikko Dane Baptisten tyyli on parhaimmillaan jopa röyhkeän provokatiivinen, mutta hulvattoman hauska.
Dane’s a Grown Ass Black Man. Too old to be concerned with chicken or trainers. Too young to be a peer of Trevor McDonald. Has he got a chip on his shoulder? Yes. A chocolate one.
Join one of the nation’s most exciting stand up stars as he presents another brilliantly hilarious and boldly provocative show. Star of hit podcasts Dane Baptiste Questions Everything and Quotas Full.
"A comical genius"


Stand up -lavoilta ja TV:stä tutun brittikoomikko Dane Baptisten tyyli on parhaimmillaan jopa röyhkeän provokatiivinen, mutta hulvattoman hauska.

Dane’s a Grown Ass Black Man. Too old to be concerned with chicken or trainers. Too young to be a peer of Trevor McDonald. Has he got a chip on his shoulder? Yes. A chocolate one.

