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Peter Gabriel

Peter Gabriel


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1986 julkaistu ”So” -albumi on aikakautensa merkkiteos, joka teki Peter Gabrielistä ilmiön.
"I think when we played the album back we knew it was good. It wasn’t like I was an obscure artist; I’d had hits with Shock The Monkey, Games Without Frontiers and Solsbury Hill but after each of them I’d purposefully retreated partially back into the shadows. With 'So' this was the end of the idea of me being a sort of cult artist at the fringes of the mainstream, especially in America. There wasn’t an option to go and hide in the shadows anymore", Peter Gabriel kertoo.

Musiikkihistoriallisesti merkittävä rocktähti Peter Gabriel ulottaa ”So” –albumia juhlistavan ”Back To Front” –maailmankiertueensa toukokuussa Suomeen.
