

We have compiled a wealth of answers to common and frequently asked questions on our FAQ site. If you cannot find an answer there, you are welcome to contact us and we are happy to help.

If you have problems with buying tickets or ordering on the website of a ticket agent, please contact their customer service directly.

Fill out our contact form here. Please include as much information as possible in your message (contact information, which event the inquiry concerns, any attachments) so that we can serve you in the best possible way.

Telephone service: +358 9 856 73 400
Our customer service is open on weekdays Mon–Fri 10am–3pm (exceptions possible on holidays).

For more information about Blockfest, please visit www.blockfest.fi.

Internship applications to: rekry@livenation.fi.

Invoices: talous@livenation.fi. Contact only regarding invoices.

Send an invoice as an e-mail attachment to the address: livena-fi-1785-idf1@pdfinbound.com. Please make sure your invoice is in PDF-format and one file contains only one invoice.


Live Nation Finland Oy
Työpajankatu 13a
00580 Helsinki, Finland

The email addresses are in the format: firstname.lastname@livenation.fi, except for Blockfest staff, whose email addresses are in the format: firstname@blockfest.fi


Mirkka Rautala +358 9 8567 3400 Director, Operations & Development
Sivi Purmonen +358 50 569 2212 Commercial Director

Piia Lindroos +358 50 388 3769 Head of Marketing

All media inquiries and interview requests: press@livenation.fi.

Evelin Ellermaa +358 50 360 4114 Marketing and Communications Manager
Anna Jousilahti +358 40 537 0795 Marketing and Communications Manager
Jaana Kapanen +358 40 032 3306 Head of Domestic Marketing
Taru Kalvi +358 40 681 1083 Digital Marketing Specialist
Lasse Arkela +358 50 544 9475 Art Director

Katy Kjisik +358 9 856 73 400 Ticketing Manager
Oona Kulmanen +358 9 856 73 400 Ticketing Manager
Jenna Jyrkiäinen +358 9 856 73 400 Ticketing Manager (on parental leave)

Tomas Ruuhisalmi +358 40 067 4075 Executive Producer
Tom Ahlberg +358 40 501 8181 Production Manager
Janne Hallenberg +358 40 4829744 Production Manager
Eetu Ruusukallio +358 44 306 3246 Project Coordinator

Saku Juvonen +358 400 527 312 Sustainability Manager / Production Coordinator

Sarianna Matikainen +358 40 652 7025 Project Manager
Riikka Skutt +358 44 235 0483 Event Coordinator / Customer Relations Manager
Heli Ranki +358 50 543 8170 Senior Event Coordinator (International)
Samu Kilpimaa +358 40 757 0782 Event Coordinator (International)

Live Music:

Scott Lavender +44 7714 793 466 Head of Touring – Finland & Baltics

Niksu Väistö +358 40 705 8867 Promoter / Agent
Valter Filosof +358 40 036 6585 Promoter / Agent
Minna Tuulari +358 40 053 1782 Promoter / Agent
Harri Andersson +358 40 521 1083 Promoter / Agent
Mikkomatti Aro +358 40 740 8327 Promoter

Eero Jääskeläinen +358 44 980 9986 Venue Head of Booking (Allas Live)

Annika Oksanen +358 456336915 Head of Agency

Matti Kaunisvesi +358 40 3518848 Agent
Miska Nipuli +358 50 463 4001 Agent
Igor Milic +358 45 882 2302 Agent
Antti Smeds +358 40 081 2904 Agent (Northern Finland)

Katja Uutela +358 50 556 4456 Event Coordinator (Domestic)
Jyri Liljaniemi +358 50 368 9705 Event Coordinator (Domestic)


Kalle Kallonen +358 40 041 7168 Creative Director (Blockfest) 
Ella Saukkonen +358 9 856 73 400 Head of Festival Operations (Blockfest)
Joni Siintovaara +358 45 113 3725 Head of Festival Sponsorship (Blockfest)
Jenna Rekiö +358 40 725 5615 Marketing Manager (Blockfest)

Finance and Administration: 

Tuomas Muotka +358 40 648 5288 Administration & Business Development Director

Mona Keränen +358 40 648 5288 Finance Manager
Mari-Satu Järvinen +358 40 648 5288 Head of Payroll

Hanna Jousala +358 40 648 5288 Accountant
Anne Uusi-Eskola +358 40 648 5288 Accountant
Jenni Haapio +358 40 648 5288 Project Controller
Maija Valtonen +358 40 648 5288 Project Controller (Oracle)

Tomi Saarinen, Managing Director